Saturday, July 22, 2017

My God versus your God


  1. It just proves that religion is a man-made activity, and because of this, one starts to doubt that a God actually exists, because of the fraud, perception, abuse, wars and manipulation. Now, faith in a higher awareness is a good thing, but for some reason people still translate this as a religion thing, and find it difficult to imagine that there is more than just this world, there are other dimensions, some connected to this one, and the world as we know it stops to exist when we no longer just use our 5 senses, but start to use 5+ senses (insight, and a greater awareness for example). I think the world and its people will only get a greater insight in this matter, when they have experienced a different perception in this. And not just a small group, or a few people, but all of us.

  2. Indeed an awesome analysis by you.
    Organised religion is actually distancing Humanity from God whose other names are Truth and also Creation.

    Organised religions are Middle men or Middle institutes, between Man and Divinity. They create complications and hurdles, and manufacture conflict so that they may remain relevant.

    Now using technology a person sitting in his or her home can learn so much and understand life, and a million other things.

    This is why organised religion is doing battle not with other organised religions as much as they oppose individualism and modernity.

    God and Gods are just convenient arguments.
