Monday, February 2, 2015

Purify Oneself

There is much talk of leading pure lives, but how shall we purify ourselves?
Time tested ancient wisdom of India lists 10 easy to practice ways to achieve purity in our existence


  1. Body gets purified by Bathing and Exercising
  2. Breath gets purified by practicing Yogic Breathing (Praanayam)
  3. Mind gets purified by Meditating
  4. Intellect gets purified by Acquiring Knowledge
  5. Memory gets purified by Reflection and Thinking
  6. Food gets purified by having positive thoughts while Cooking and Eating
  7. Self gets purified by Maintaining Silence
  8. Ego gets purified by Serving
  9. Wealth gets purified by being Charitable
  10. Emotions / Feelings gets purified by giving Selfless Love