Sunday, March 20, 2016


Kintsugi is a Japanese technique of repairing broken pottery with lacquer or resin mixed with powdered gold. They believe that when something has suffered damage and has a history it becomes more beautiful.

Have you noticed how wealthy some people are?
No, I am not talking about those people who only have money.
I am speaking of those who have character born from their experiences of surviving great personal challenges.  They break but somehow destiny puts them back together. They may have some parts missing here and there  and sometimes something extra. But in those distortions and superficial ugliness lies a genuine and original beauty like no other. 

You hear them speak and behave so casually about life and material things in such a genuine manner that their personalities simply leap out and grab your mind and heart.

The Japanese are a very deep people and they have developed the art of Kintsugi


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