Friday, June 20, 2014

Do we need more of 'successful' people?

The planet does not need more ‘successful people.’ The planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers and lovers of all kinds. It needs people to live well in their places. It needs people with moral courage willing to join the struggle to make the world habitable and humane and these qualities have little to do with success as our culture has defined it.
— Tenzin Gyatso, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama


  1. Joseph D'Souza said,

    Read it to my Mum . She is blind . Also what you wrote on happiness and yourself
    Keep writing my friend .



  2. When people respond, I feel I have touched lives in some positive way and that makes me feel wonderful.

    Thanks Joe for your responses and words of encouragement.

  3. Raman Preet said,

    Dear uncle ji but success only comes with the hard work ..
    and moral values combined together .

  4. Dear Raman,

    I am all for success but what I am saying by quoting His Holiness The Dalai Lama, what actually constitutes success?

    I have seen that you are incredibly hard working. I compliment you for help build a better world.
    Success is needed but not the way the western world has defined it.
    Many people are 'successful' they have a lot of possessions and money in the bank but have neither peace of mind nor health and if they spread fear and unhappiness, then should we call them successful.

    I also believe that success for an individual is when there is harmony in the mind, spirit and the body. A happy and successful individual is essential for a successful society
    However if success does not lead to happiness and improved quality of life of the general population, then it is a false success.

    It is always a pleasure to interact with you.

    Love and regards


    p.s. Please do me a favour and post your remarks on the blogpost for others to join the conversation. Also mention name of your institution as this will attract people to interact with you , just like we are doing now.

  5. Raman Preet said,

    Dear uncle ji , i agree with you.

  6. John Long said,

    Dear Gurvinder, Very thought provoking.
    Kind regards
