Friday, November 24, 2017

Religion, talk less of it ...

Sadhu T.L. Vaswani

Religion; Let us talk of it less, practice more.

~ Sadhu T.L. Vaswani

Sadhu Vaswani (born 1879) was a great Sindhi Spiritual master, an educationist and philosopher. A scholar of both ancient Indian texts like the Upanishads, and modernity with a Masters degree. 

Always a man of spirituality committed to serving humanity, he longed to find his God chosen Guru.  He was fortunate that while on a teaching stint in Kolkata his Guru (spiritual teacher), Sri Promotholal Sen appeared in his life. From 1920, Vaswani ji abandoned himself to the spiritual path. 

Sadhu Vaswani ji, dedicated is life in the service of God by serving humanity. He imposed great faith in the power and capability of women to play a greater role in 
shaping a brighter and happier future for the world.

He founded a girl’s college to educate women and named it the Mira School, this grew into a global phenomenon known as the Mira Movement. Vaswani ji's love, works and philosophy has  flowered into the Sadhu Vaswani mission, now headed by his disciple  Dada JP Vaswani.

Sadhu Vaswani ji and now Dada JP Vaswani ji, remain the spiritual beacon and guiding lights not only for the Sindhi community but for millions of people across the world.

A Sadhu's manner is compassionate as was that of Sadhu Vaswani. They take what nature offers but never by force or cruelty. Hence they abhor taking life. 
Many people who have tread the spiritual path have turned vegetarian. 

Today Nov 25th Sadhu Vaswani ji's birth anniversary  is celebrated in many parts of the world as Meatless Day.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Regaining Paradise

Regaining Paradise

Paradise is not a physical place somewhere. Its a state of being. The good news is, we do not have to die to go to paradise. The best news is, all of us can live there, and now.

In paradise, nationality, religion, colour, race, gender, are irrelevant. Nor is our bank balance, wealth, social status of any consequence. Ego, hatred, lust, etc. all the things that define who we are but in the end corrode humans are not even a factor.

There is one very large group of people that live in paradise, they are called 'Children'. 

The ultimate state sought by all true seekers of spirituality is to reach this stage of being innocent, carefree, just like little children. The child is innocent because of purity and ignorance. The evolved adult is not ignorant but becomes innocent by an enlightened consciousness. They transcend human social failings to become unitary creatures, the always pure individual soul connected with the  The Divine, experienced as Creation which most of us call God by a multitude of names. 

We adults are so busy making a living and merely existing, that we forget that life is to be lived. By the time most of realise the folly of our actions or inactions its too late. 

There is a lot that children can teach us. Show us how to be carefree and happy.  

Today 14th November has been declared as 'Children's Day'. In fact everyday should be Children's day, if we wish to be happy and make others happy. 

The Power to Heal One's Soul.

Trauma is an emotional matter, neither legal nor intellectual. That is why its easy for many onlookers to be judgemental and philosophical, when one is not the victim or the affected one. 

Traumatic events leave deep scars in the mind, body and spirit of victims. The tragedy is no amount of rationalisation nor any amount of punishment can undo events that have already occurred. 

Victims have to suffer twice. 
The first when the event takes place which is short and brutal. The second is, living with the wound of the tragedy that comes to completely dominate a victim's being. It is like a toxic geyser which keeps spewing hatred and venom that consumes the victim more slowly and certainly manifold times more terrifying than the initial assault.

How can one heal oneself?
To heal oneself, one has to remove and fling out of our heart and mind, that poisonous anger and hatred that festers within our being. That magic formula is for us forgive the perpetrators. It is easier done that said, because all it requires is courage.

All great masters and faiths have taught humanity that we should forgive. The power of an individual to forgive cannot be given nor can it be taken away by anyone else. To forgive can be the greatest act of freedom an individual can exercise. 

Forgiveness is a healing but prevents nothing  from repeating or getting worse.

Forgiveness is an emotional act, a matter of the heart, and the heart is a private matter, only the individual can exercise it.

Forgiveness does not mean submission, nor forgetting nor deleting the memories nor does it imply not taking corrective action.  Corrective action is  the responsibility of the State and the Community, failing which there will be anarchy.

States and Communities are not individuals. The welfare and protection of all people is the responsibility of the State and Community in general. The leaders have no prerogative to forgive  en masse nor erase memories on behalf of the victims. It is obligatory that the State and Society must take steps to ensure that its not possible to commit the crime again. 
This is why it is mandatory for the State must enact laws and award punishments to deter others from repeating the offence. 

It is also obligatory for leaders in the community to ensure that current and future generations receive an education on the real history of events. 

Unfortunately many cowardly or ineffective social and political leaders for their own personal gains, sweep the crimes under the carpet, where they rot and grow in size and intensity until they violently erupt once again one day. Some leaders wanting to be seen as 'Holier than thou' usurp the right of the individuals and unilaterally  'forgive and forget' crimes, in which they personally are not the victims. This is extremely dangerous, and as a result the crimes are repeated again and again. 

Like in many places and times in the world, we in India have experienced great trauma. The only way we can move ahead is to come to terms with the reality of our history, find out root causes of why we were vulnerable as individuals and as a civilisation and take corrective action. Only then can we be a vibrant, happy and harmonious society.


How she healed herself and inspired millions
Eva Kor

One of histories recent great tragedies is The Holocaust, where six million men, women and children were simply exterminated. Their only crime was that they were believers of the Jewish faith.

There is this great example of Eva Kor a Holocaust survivor. Her story of how she journeyed from a traumatised victim to a healed and liberated soul is inspiring.
After 50 years she made contact with one of her tormentors, revisited Auschwitz and forgave a surviving Nazi doctor from Auschwitz. She took a very long time but she even forgave Dr. Mengale the mastermind of the human Guinea pig program. 

You can view the inspiring video on the great tragedy and the power of healing

International Holocaust Remembrance Day - 27 Jan 2018